Big dog breeds may be intimidating at first glance, but they can also make excellent family dogs. Finding the right dog can be challenging; sometimes, big dogs are overlooked.
Regardless of how big or small your dog is, with proper training and the correct safety solution like the Halo 2, you’ll be enjoying many wonderful years with a loving and loyal companion. Here are some of the world’s most giant dog breeds.
Great Dane
The American Kennel Club recognizes the Great Dane as the world’s tallest breed. These lovable giants originate from Germany. Great Danes usually reach around 28-30 inches tall and weigh between 100 and 120 pounds. However, a Great Dane called Zeus reached an impressive 44 inches tall and was included in the Guinness World Records as the tallest dog in recorded history. A natural protector, the Great Dane is a loyal companion that gets strongly attached to its owner and makes a perfect guard dog.
Caucasian Shepard
The Caucasian Shepherd makes an excellent watchdog and can reach a weight of up to 150 pounds. This long-coated member of the biggest dog breed club is widely used around Eastern Europe for guarding sheep. They’re naturally affectionate with their owners but extremely protective and loyal.
Anatolian Shepherd
Like the Caucasian shepherd, this dog derives from Turkey, where it’s historically been used to herd farm animals. These pups are intelligent and independent and need an owner capable of training them and handling their dominant nature.
Saint Bernard
Saint Bernard is one of the most recognizable giant breeds out there, partly thanks to the popularity of the 1992 movie “Beethoven” and its sequel. Just like in the movie, members of this giant dog breed are perfect for family life due to their protective and affectionate nature. Initially, they were bred and trained by monks as rescue dogs to save hikers lost on the trails of the Swiss Alps. These mountain dogs reach a height of up to 30 inches and weigh between 120 and 180 pounds.
“Newfies” were initially bred to help fishermen and are excellent swimmers. However, these days, these gentle giants are known these days as wonderful babysitters to young children due to their gentle nature, patience and sweet demeanor. A giant teddy bear, Newfoundland’s can reach an outstanding 150 pounds in weight.
French Mastiff
As known as Dogue de Bordeaux in its home country of France, this large breed has been around since the 14th century and was even featured in a Tom Hanks movie. Used for protection, the Dogue de Bordeaux has also historically been a working dog that carries out tasks such as protecting farm animals. Known for their big heads, this breed needs a lot of exercise and time outdoors. However, once they’re inside, French mastiffs love their well-deserved beauty sleep.
English Mastiff
The American Kennel Club considers English mastiffs the largest dog breed in existence. These lovable giants can get to 230 pounds and 30 inches in height. An English mastiff named Aicama Zorba once held the title of World’s Largest Dog as she reached 343 pounds. Originally bred to assist hunters, these giant dogs are mellow-tempered and loyal companions. Naturally protective of their owners, they make excellent guard dogs.
Scottish Deerhound
The Scottish deerhound is the larger breed version of the greyhound. Characterized by its unusual appearance and hard-working tendencies, this breed has existed since before recorded history. These beautiful dogs reach up to 32 inches tall and weigh 110 pounds. Deerhounds are also very fast. However, they’re not suitable for first-time dog owners because of their intensive training needs.
Tibetan Mastiff
The Tibetan mastiff looks like a lion, and according to the American Kennel Club, it can get to a weight of 150 pounds. Despite their size and majestic thick double coat, these are gentle giants who love to protect their family members, making them ideal pets and guard dogs. Pups are also highly intelligent and hate being bored, so if left alone for too long, they can cause some serious mischief.
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
A mix between Saint Bernard and rottweiler breeds, these majestic-looking pups are descendants of the Roman war dogs that served Julius Cesar himself. These dogs are very intelligent, loyal and fiercely protective. They do well in cold weather and can make ideal pets with early socialization. The American Kennel Club only recognized Swissies in 1955.
In Japan, Akitas are considered family protectors and symbols of health and happiness. These stunning dogs develop strong bonds with their humans but can be prone to dog aggression, which is why early training and socialization are an important part of owning a member of this ancient Japanese breed. An Akita was the star of a 2009 Richard Gere film about a dog that spent nearly a decade in a train station waiting for its owner’s return.
The otterhound breed originated in Medieval England and was historically used for hunting otters, which is now against the law. This shaggy-looking gentle giant dog breed stands 27 inches tall and weighs up to 115 pounds. Otterhounds are good-natured, great with children and love playing with other dogs, even small dogs. They’re fantastic swimmers and have a particularly well-developed sense of smell. There are few members of this breed in existence, and it’s considered endangered.
As far as large dogs go, bloodhounds have an incredibly acute sense of smell, and they make the perfect police tracking dog. The breed standard size for a bloodhound is 23 to 27 inches tall with a weight of up to 160 pounds. While these highly intelligent pups can be quite willful, their friendly nature makes them good family pets. Unlike most other breeds its size, which usually have a relatively short life span, bloodhounds can live up to 13 years.
Black Russian Terrier
Black Russian terrier pups can reach a weight of up to 130 pounds and a height of 30 inches at the shoulder. Most people are used to terriers being small. However, this breed makes for an adorable exception. Among the largest dog breeds, these terriers were originally bred by the former USSR as working dogs for the army.
Bernese Mountain Dog
Naturally built for farm work, Bernese mountain dogs are among the biggest dog breeds to come from Switzerland. They have long, stunning coats and an affectionate nature. These pups usually form strong bonds with their owners, and they’re known to be very patient around children. Males are expected to weigh up to 120 pounds, while the maximum weight for females is 100 pounds.
Irish Wolfhound
One of the biggest dog breeds, the Irish Wolfhound is also very calm, loyal and protective. An Irish wolfhound can reach an outstanding 32 inches tall, and the biggest dog from this breed can weigh up to 180 pounds. This giant dog breed was first mentioned all the way back in Ancient Rome.
Great Pyrenees
Protective and independent, the Great Pyrenees is a working dog with a majestic thick coat and a reputation for guarding farm animals and even families. Great Pyrenees are still used in France by farmers for protecting livestock, and they’re also great pets, particularly for large families.
Neapolitan Mastiff
With their strong hind legs, wrinkly skin and impressive size, male Neapolitan mastiffs grow to be anywhere from 26 to 31 inches, while females reach anywhere from 24 to 29. These dogs are known to be fierce guardians derived from ancient times. Despite their nobility, they’re also friendly companions and protective of their owners.
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